It's like a childhood dream come true.
The lil' sister got me some Christmas PJs last year.
The husband bought me a tree.
I'm gonna do what I never managed to as a kid --- taking some "First Day of Christmas" photos with my Christmas PJs on.
I'm not kidding.
I had initially wanted to do a 25-days countdown to Christmas by doing something Christmasy each day.
I even wrote it in a list.
It's tough to keep up especially when some takes more time than I expected.
Here's my first week of December {the Christmas Edition}.
Dec 01

I changed out my phone 'cover'. I saw this on Pinterest some time back.
Whoever thought of this is quite a genius.
A clear case, some scrap pretty papers and a craft knife.
I made myself quite a few out of scrapbook papers. And even a template out of my favourite index cards.
Dec 02

We got some spruce garlands from Ikea because I was pretty sure I'm never gonna get a tree this year.
That afternoon, the husband bought me one. :)
Dec 03

Dec 04

Eye glitter from 4 years ago. I reckon it's not wise to put it on my eyelids anymore so into my craft drawer it goes. It looks too much like snow I had to waste use some on tissue and pretend it IS snow.
Dec 05

These little wooden signs from Spotlight has been in original state for too long. I finally found the glitter in the colour I want from ArtFriend (and anything Martha Stewart is happy stuff!). After at least 6 coats of glitter paint, they look like this now:
Dec 06

Wooden letters from some time back. I had wanted to make a name card holder with out initials.
After mod-podging with some candycane scrapbook paper, they are now our first ornaments for out first tree.
Yet another Pinterest-inspired project.
Dec 07

This was a quick craft because :
#1: I couldn't do anything else on my 'Countdowm to Christmas' list because they are too much work.
#2: These fluffy, magnetic friends on the door are so not ready for Christmas!
I so happen to have quite a bit of felt at home too (I am a hoarder...). With my terrible sewing skills, I made 4 santa hats for my tiny friends. The ugly stitches are hidden by the door, and they didn't complain, so I'm good. :)
The past weekend was a lazy weekend and nothing Christmasy done.
I'm still in the process of getting our home ready for Christmas.
The tree is so bare.
I'm in need of some ornaments-shopping.
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