Thursday, December 01, 2011

{House Talk} Updates

For the dear ones who are curious about the progress of the house...

We are curently at the sourcing and ka-ching stage.
Have been spending lots of money and not seeing any product at the moment.

The house is still as empty as it was when it was handed over to us, with the exception of a few cans of paint.

We are hoping that things can be up around next week or so, and we can finally agree on the items that are urgent but still pending. *Keeping my fingers crossed*

With that, I hope that Santa will be able to visit us in our new place this year.
I'll try to put up some cookies and milk. :)

PS: Santa. Not spiderman. SANTA.
PPS: Doing up the house is a lot of work. Especially when you are not engaging a contractor.
My, oh my..

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