Since the heat is unbearble these days, let's go somewhere cold.
How about Haus Am Moos in Salzburg, Austria? December that is.
That's one of my favourite accomodations during my honeymoon.
The sign you see just after you alight from the bus.
50 metres. Not too far away.It wasn't snowing when we arrived. This was taken on the second day.
There you go. Such a lovely main house.
I love that armchair at the entrance.
We stayed on the second floor. In the room that's blocked by the tree.
It's snowed pretty mad overnight and the balcony acted as our walk-in fridge.The apples we left outside were frozen.
This is our view from the room.
We don't get snow in the tropics so this scene is a treat.
I mumbled 'Narnia!' the moment I saw it.
They have a lovely chapel near the main house.
Love the breakfast.
Love the colours.
Love the dining room. It's nice, and cosy.
Love the warm and friendly owners who chatted with us over breakfast.
Love that as snow falls, we can watch Nino, the dog, play in the garden while we are having breakfast.
Did I mention they have a really friendly dog, Nino?
Who makes it a point to walk to all the guests at the dining table?
The walk to the bus stop.
So peaceful.
And cold.

This poor little guy is a worm. We had meant to take his picture on the first day we arrived.
But we got to rush for sightseeing.
He looked like this the next day.
Poor thing.
Freezing yet still so happy.
The bus stop adds a pop of colour to the snowy scene. :)
I love this place.
I could stay in the neighbourhood all day. :)
See what the other travellers have to say.
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