Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Graduation Day

This isn't my first Graduation Day, but this is the first I had my own graduating class.

This little bunch of little ones (maybe not so little) who used to suck my blood dry, make my blood boil and ensure I have a good mental workout everyday. Sometimes I cannot believe how drained I am after classes.

Even though they have been rather difficult to handle, I know I'm gonna miss them.
They are, after all, my first graduating batch.

I love the little notes I wrote them and hope they'll like it too.
I'll probably cry in bed tonight because I realised today, that they actually mean a lot to me.

Thanks to them, I've grown tougher these two years.
May not be a bad thing after all.

I'll probably have more graduating batches to come, but I know, it's gonna be different.

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