Monday, March 05, 2012

We baked!

My first baking workshop.
With friends at work.
In a nice cosy place called Sugar Inc.
Anna, a lovely owner/chef, who is a wonderful teacher as well.
So much science behind all the baking.
I likey!

Fun Fridays have gone to a whole new level.
Though it was actually a Saturday, and not Friday.

I had so much fun in that 4 hours, and I'm sure the work buddies did too.
Even though I was starving and dead tired after the workshop.
I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Photos grabbed from Ally.
Cuz she takes great pictures. :)




Of course, the macarons in that last picture were baked by Anna.

I'd love to attend another baking workshop.
Would you like to join me?

1 comment:

  1. Me! Me! Lemme know when you sign up for another baking class! :D
